Archived News 2024
[June 2024] Tim Alpherts' paper "Perceptive Visual Urban Analytics is Not (Yet) Suitable for Municipalities" has been accepted and published at the ACM FAccT Conference.
[February 2024] Yen-Chia Hsu's project "Citizen Science for Spotting Toxic Clouds with AI" is funded by the Dutch NWO's Open Science Fund (€41721).
[January 2024] UvA will host the MMM 2024 conference, and the MultiX lab plays an important role in the organization!
[December 2023] MultiX is in NeurIPS ("Episodic Multi-Task Learning with Heterogeneous Neural Processes").
[December 2023] Yen-Chia Hsu's previous work is on the EenVandaag Dutch TV (link to the TV program 00:08 to 11:40 and link to the news article).
[October 2023] MultiX is represented in ICCV 2023 ("Prototype-based Dataset Comparison" and "Cross-modal Scalable Hyperbolic Hierarchical Clustering").
Archived News 2023
[June 2023] Two papers ("Hierarchical Explanations for Video Action Recognition", "Causalainer: Causal Explainer for Automatic Video Summarization") have been published by Sadaf Gulshad and Jia-Hong Huang in the workshops of the IEEE/CVF Conference on Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition.
[June 2023] A paper ("PanorAMS: Automatic Annotation for Detecting Objects in Urban Context") has been published by Inske Groenen in the IEEE Transactions on Multimedia journal.
[March 2023] We released an open source data science course for the UvA Bachelor Informatiekunde Program.
[February 2023] A paper ("MATTE: Multi-task multi-scale attention") has been published by Gjorgji Strezoski in the Computer Vision and Image Understanding journal.
[February 2023] A paper ("Meta Learning to Bridge Vision and Language Models for Multimodal Few-Shot Learning") has been published by Ivona Najdenkoska in the ICLR conference.
[January 2023] A paper ("Expert-Defined Keywords Improve Interpretability of Retinal Image Captioning"), has been published by Jia-Hong Huang in the WACV conference.
[January 2023] A paper ("Probabilistic Integration of Object Level Annotations in Chest X-ray Classification") has been published by Tom van Sonsbeek in the WACV conference.
[January 2023] A paper ("Association Graph Learning for Multi-Task Classification with Category Shifts") has been published by Jiayi Shen in the NeurIPS conference.
Archived News 2022
[October 2022] A paper ("Uncertainty-aware report generation for chest X-rays by variational topic inference") published by Ivona Najdenkoska has received runner-up for the best paper award in the Medical Image Analysis journal.
[September 2022] Marcel Worring received a grant (€1.5M) from NWO about the project of "AI4Intelligence: from Multimodal Data to Trustworthy Evidence in Court". More information here.
[September 2022] Our group has moved from Science Park 904 to the new LAB42 building nearby (Science Park 900).
[September 2022] Nanne van Noord received a grant (€387K) from ClickNL about the AI4FILM project to develop novel AI techniques that are tailored to film by learning from analysis, production practice, and theory.
[September 2022] Yen-Chia Hsu participated in the 2022 Heidelberg Laureate Forum.
[September 2022] Yen-Chia Hsu was invited to a panel discussion at the 2022 Internet Governance Forum, where he will participate in the discussion of AI transparency and communities.