Utility Functions (Text Data Processing)
Utility Functions (Text Data Processing)#
(Last updated: Jan 29, 2025)
import os
import numpy as np
from nltk.corpus import wordnet
from xml.sax import saxutils as su
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
from tqdm.notebook import tqdm
from wordcloud import WordCloud
# Add tqdm functions to pandas.
def check_answer_df(df_result, df_answer, n=1):
This function checks if two output dataframes are the same.
df_result : pandas.DataFrame
The result from the output of a function.
df_answer : pandas.DataFrame
The expected output of the function.
n : int
The numbering of the test case.
assert df_answer.equals(df_result)
print("Test case %d passed." % n)
print("Test case %d failed." % n)
print("Your output is:")
print("Expected output is:")
def check_answer_np(arr_result, arr_answer, n=1):
This function checks if two output numpy arrays are the same.
arr_result : numpy.ndarray
The result from the output of a function.
arr_answer : numpy.ndarray
The expected output of the function.
n : int
The numbering of the test case.
assert np.array_equal(arr_result, arr_answer)
print(f"Test case {n} passed.")
except Exception:
print(f"Test case {n} failed.")
print("Your output is:")
print("Expected output is:")
def wordnet_pos(nltk_pos):
Function to map POS tags to wordnet tags for lemmatizer.
nltk_pos : str
The nltk POS tag.
The wordnet POS tag.
if nltk_pos.startswith("V"):
return wordnet.VERB
elif nltk_pos.startswith("J"):
return wordnet.ADJ
elif nltk_pos.startswith("R"):
return wordnet.ADV
return wordnet.NOUN
def reformat_data(df):
Reformat the Class Index column to a Class column and combine
the Title and Description columns into a Text column.
Select only the class_idx, class and text columns afterwards.
df : pandas.DataFrame
The original dataframe.
The reformatted dataframe.
# Make the class column using a dictionary.
df = df.rename(columns={"Class Index": "class_idx"})
classes = {1: "World", 2: "Sports", 3: "Business", 4: "Sci/Tech"}
df["class"] = df["class_idx"].apply(classes.get)
# Use string concatonation for the Text column and unescape html characters.
df["text"] = (df["Title"] + " " + df["Description"]).apply(su.unescape)
# Select only the class_idx, class, and text column.
df = df[["class_idx", "class", "text"]]
return df
def visualize_word_counts(df, class_col="class", token_col="tokens", count_col="count"):
Displays word clouds given a word counts dataframe.
df : pandas.DataFrame
The dataframe with three columns:
- The "class" column (each document class)
- The "tokens" column (showing tokens in each document class)
- The "count" column (showing counts for each token)
class_col : str
Name of the class column (if different from "class").
token_col : str
Name of the token column (if different from "tokens").
count_col : str
Name of the count column (if different from "count").
# Groupby the class column and loop through all of them
for name, df_group in df.groupby(class_col):
# Compute a dictionary with word frequencies
frequencies = dict(zip(df_group[token_col], df_group[count_col]))
# Generate word cloud from frequencies
wordcloud = WordCloud(background_color="white", width=1000, height=500, random_state=42).generate_from_frequencies(frequencies)
# Display image
plt.title("Class: " + name)
def add_spacy_doc(df, nlp):
Add a column with the spaCy Doc objects.
df : pandas.DataFrame
The dataframe containing at least the "text" column.
nlp : spaCy language model
A spaCy language model (https://spacy.io/models/en).
The dataframe with the added "doc" column.
# Copy the dataframe to avoid editing the original one.
df = df.copy(deep=True)
# Get the number of CPUs in the machine.
n_process = max(1, os.cpu_count()-2)
# Use multiple CPUs to speed up computing.
df["doc"] = [doc for doc in tqdm(nlp.pipe(df["text"], n_process=n_process), total=df.shape[0])]
return df
def add_spacy_tokens(df):
Add a column with a list of lemmatized tokens, without stopwords and numbers.
df : pandas.DataFrame
The dataframe containing at least the "doc" column.
The dataframe with the "spacy_tokens" column.
# Copy the dataframe to avoid editing the original one.
df = df.copy(deep=True)
df["spacy_tokens"] = df["doc"].apply(
lambda tokens: [token.lemma_ for token in tokens if token.is_alpha and not token.is_stop]
return df
def add_padded_tensors(df1, df2):
Add a tensor column to the dataframes, with every tensor having the same dimensions.
df1 : pandas.DataFrame
The first dataframe containing at least the "tokens" or "doc" column.
df2 : pandas.DataFrame
The second dataframe containing at least the "tokens" or "doc" column.
The dataframes with the added tensor column.
# Copy the dataframes to avoid editing the originals.
df1 = df1.copy(deep=True)
df2 = df2.copy(deep=True)
# Add tensors (option 1: using the Word2Vec model that we created).
#for df in [df1, df2]:
# df["tensor"] = df["tokens"].apply(
# lambda tokens: np.vstack([w2v_model.wv[token] for token in tokens])
# )
# Add tensors (option 2: using the spaCy tensors).
for df in [df1, df2]:
df["tensor"] = df["doc"].apply(lambda doc: doc.tensor)
# Determine the largest amount of columns in both the training and test sets.
largest = max(df1["tensor"].apply(lambda x: x.shape[0]).max(),
df2["tensor"].apply(lambda x: x.shape[0]).max())
# Pad the tensors with zeros so that they have equal size.
for df in [df1, df2]:
df["tensor"] = df["tensor"].apply(
lambda x: np.pad(x, ((0, largest - x.shape[0]), (0, 0)))
return df1, df2