Working Practices

(Last updated: Jul 23, 2024)

This document curates working practice matters, such as tips for reference management in research, virtual environment settings, commands for running scripts on clusters, etc. Many resources here are from the thematic sessions in our lab meeting. This is a live document that will periodically be updated.

Table of Content

Reference Management

This slide deck introduces how to use Zotero to manage references. The resources were contributed by Wangyuan Ding and Carlo Bretti on 23 December 2023.

Virtual Environment

This slide deck introduces how to use the Docker tool to set up a virtual environment. The resources were contributed by Wangyuan Ding and Carlo Bretti on 23 December 2023.

Cluster Operations

This slide deck introduces how to run scripts on clusters and use IDE to debug code on clusters. The resources were contributed by Wangyuan Ding and Carlo Bretti on 23 December 2023.


This slide deck introduces writing strategies, including the writing process, tips, and logic. The resources were contributed by Elina Sergidou, Floris Gisolf, Yijia Zheng, and Sadaf Gulshad on 15 November 2023.


This slide deck introduces reproducibility in research, presented by Ujjwal Sharma on 24 January 2024.

Data Synchronization

This slide deck introduces different ways of synchronizing data across machines, presented by Goncalo Marcelino on 24 January 2024.

Academic Reading

This slide deck introduces ways of improving academic reading skills, presented by Jiayi Shen and Fatemeh Gholamzadeh on 21 February 2024.

Multimodal LLM Survey

This slide deck introduces Multimodal Large Language Models, presented by Conor McCarthy and Shuai Wang on 20 March 2024.


This slide deck introduces internship tips and experiences, presented by Ivona Najdenkoska and Tom van Sonsbeek on 17 April 2024.

Presentation and Powerpoint

This slide deck introduces good and bad presentation practices, presented by Meike Kombrink on 12 June 2024. On the same date, this slide deck introduces PowerPoint tips and tricks, presented by Merel de Leeuw den Bouter.